Every year the phone directory guys make their rounds pushing their small business marketing solutions. A solution that has shifted from phone book ads, now to online advertising, search optimization, and even websites.
The directory guys had no choice but to follow consumer behavior away from the printed directory to online resources. The problem is the phone book guys are doing it wrong. And they’re charging a premium price to do it, because the sales guys are good making it hard to say no.
To help uncover a few important facts about their services, we’ve assembled a list of questions every YP sales guy should be asked.
The truth is, you can get a lot more for your money with Jackpot than you can with the phone book people. We offer a proven website solution that includes online advertising, content production, search optimization and social networking. And we manage all the moving parts for you. So you never have worry if you’re doing the right things and you always know what your returns are.
Know your options. Contact us online or call 501-247-1009 before you make a decision on YP this year.
Win new business and develop competitive advantages while protecting your online reputation and growing your social reach.
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