If you’re like a lot of business owners, you have a website — but when you think of advertising, you think of radio, television, magazines, newspapers, and billboards, as each of these mediums have been highly effective in the past. But the world isn’t standing still, and to get your message out to target audience, you have to go where they go.
Great websites don’t just happen. Focused on branding and marketing, they’re clean, easy to navigate, visually appealing, and engineered to be recognized by the top search engines.
Great websites deliver on an expectation from the website visitor – they have searched for you or your products and services, and they have questions that need to be answered. Generally, those questions are the following:
In late 2015, most businesses are on their 3rd, 4th, or 5th iteration of their website. So, you know the pain of dealing with a local web agency. What an uncomfortable feeling, knowing that you must have a web agency, but not wanting to deal with one. And to top that off, you don’t want to spend more money on a new website, because it’s just a sunken expense, a necessary evil that negatively impacts your margin.
And after the website is online, you don’t want to call your web agency, because you know it will just result in another invoice. For you, having a web agency has been akin to having your lawyer.